We are taking a leadership role in assisting our customers in transitioning to a lower carbon future by offering conservation and energy efficiency programs that are designed to be both effective and affordable. We are working closely with stakeholders across our service territories in support of their communities’ climate action goals:
- We sponsor the Houston Climate Action Plan, a science-based, community-driven strategy for the City of Houston to reduce GHG emissions, meet the Paris Agreement goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and lead a global energy transition.
- We helped fund the Houston Advanced Research Center, a research hub providing independent analysis on energy, air and water issues to people seeking scientific answers, and C40 Cities, a climate leadership group.
- We partner with the Minneapolis Clean Energy Partnership, working with the City of Minneapolis and Xcel Energy to help the city reach its climate action and cleaner energy goals.
- We collaborated with the City of Evansville, Indiana, on the creation and implementation of its Climate Action Plan. By 2050, Evansville plans to be a regional leader in equitably addressing climate change and a zero-waste community powered by renewable energy.
2024 ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year – Sustained Excellence Award
ENERGY STAR honored CenterPoint Energy’s long-term dedication to energy efficiency and a greener future for the 19th consecutive year.
2023 Investments in Energy Efficiency Incentives: $64,414,899
CenterPoint Energy provides a range of rebates, incentives and programs designed to make it easier for our customers to adopt sustainable practices while saving money. Our energy efficiency programs are intended to benefit and incentivize customers across all rate classes, including commercial, residential and low-income sites. The programs target builders, developers, cities, commercial and industrial facilities, homeowners, renters and schools.
We offer 20+ electric energy efficiency programs and services for business and residential customers, including:
- The Schools Conserving Resources (SCORE) Program provides financial incentives, technical assistance, engineering analysis, and performance benchmarking for qualified projects to schools, universities, municipalities, faith-based organizations, nonprofits and county and select state agencies. Eligible participants can receive free technical assistance, including energy-use benchmarks and an energy master plan to help manage energy costs.
- The Healthcare Energy Efficiency Program is offered at no cost and provides technical support and cash incentives to commercial healthcare facilities including hospitals, clinics, assisted living and nursing care, medical laboratories and medical office buildings.
- High Efficiency Homes promotes the construction and certification of high-efficiency homes that achieve the ENERGY STAR label, as well as other high-performance homes. This voluntary program provides financial incentives and other assistance to home builders who commit to construct energy-efficient homes in our electric service territory.
Since joining the High Efficiency Homes program in 2001, we have:
Incentivized the construction of more than 3,000 ENERGY STAR-certified homes annually, for a total exceeding 74,000 homes
Saved more than 504,000 megawatt hours of energy
Conservation Improvement Program
Rebates from our Conservation Improvement Program encourage residential and business electric and natural gas customers in Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi and Ohio to choose energy efficient equipment and our energy-saving programs.

Supporting our communities while helping our customers save money and maximize efficiency:
- CenterPoint Energy and Radisson Blu Mall of America, part of Choice Hotels International, recently announced the groundbreaking installation of a carbon capture technology unit, CarbinX™, developed by CleanO2. This marks the first hotel in the world to use this innovative system that captures GHG emissions from heating equipment.
- In Evansville, Indiana, through our new pilot program, Critical Peak Pricing, we are testing Time of Rate usage with our customers. Customers have varied rates based on peak and non-peak hours and are encouraged to lower their electricity usage during peak hours to help with cost-savings on their energy bills.
- We hosted the 2024 Energy Efficiency & Technology Conference to engage with our Minnesota business customers and trade allies. Attendees heard about the latest technologies from industry leaders and how they can leverage programs under Minnesota’s Energy Conservation and Optimization Act to lower their business’s energy use, carbon footprint and earn rebates.